The Befallenness of Life

Jens Burk, Expert for Sculpture and Painting 1550–1800 at the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, in conversation with Petra Sterry

Jens Burk (JB): Your intervention The Self-Complying Order, which can be seen at the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum from April to September 20191, revolves around the head by Franz Xaver Messerschmidt, an older artwork, from the eighteenth century. How did you become aware of Franz Xaver Messerschmidt, and how did your relationship to his work develop?

Petra Sterry (PS): For a long time now, I have been devoting my attention to emotions and inner states. Actually it was quite early, during my studies, that I came upon Messerschmidt and his work. I must say that initially I was very irritated by the titles: in my opinion many of them don’t match with the heads, and this even caused me to lose interest in him to some degree. Only later, when I returned to them and explored them in more detail, did I became aware of the fact that the titles are not from Messerschmidt at all. This opened up a whole new perspective on the heads.

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1 Petra Sterry, „Die sich fügende Ordnung“, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich, 3.4.-30.9.2019; Narrator: Nikolaus Kinsky (German), Howard Nightingall (English), Recording: ZONE Media
2 Maria Pötzl-Malikova. Agnes Husslein-Arco (Hg.): Franz Xaver Messerschmidt 1736-1783; Monografie und Werkverzeichnis | Monograph and catalogue raisonné, Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra 2015
3 Heike Höcherl, Wahngebilde und Kunstwerke zugleich, in: Die phantastischen Köpfe des Franz Xaver Messerschmidt / Fantastic Heads of Franz Xaver Messerschmidt; Maraike Bückling (Hg.), Hirmer Verlag, München 2006, p. 90,
4 Maraike Bückling, Franz Xaver Messerschmidt – Verrücktheit, Intrige und Genie, in: Die phantastischen Köpfe des Franz Xaver Messerschmidt / Fantastic Heads of Franz Xaver Messerschmidt; Maraike Bückling (Hg.), Hirmer Verlag, München 2006, p. 35-35
5 Frank Matthias Kammel, Die Serie als System, , in: Die phantastischen Köpfe des Franz Xaver Messerschmidt / Fantastic Heads of Franz Xaver Messerschmidt; Maraike Bückling (Hg.), Hirmer Verlag, München 2006, p. 242-265
6 Thomas Knubben: Mesmer oder Die Erkundung der dunklen Seite des Mondes, Klöpfer & Meyer, Tübingen 2015, p. 64-69